Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Breast Enhancements - Different Ways To Increase Your Breast Size

This society has somehow instilled in us that every female's breast size defines a lot. So, it is but natural for women to consider breast enhancement measures in order to achieve a desired breast size.

With the help of the wonders of cosmetics, surgical breast augmentation has become a popular resort. Over the years, women who have undergone surgical enhancement that though the procedure cost a fortune, in the name of a big breast size, it has always been worth it.

But the thing is, not everyone can take the easy way. Firstly, the post-surgical effects of these breast enhancements predispose one's health to possible complications in the future. Secondly, not everyone can afford to spend much on enhancing breast size and shape alone. And lastly, the surgical means of breast enhancement isn't the only way to boost up ones breast size.

There are some alternatives that promotes breast enhancement just as well as a surgery can do. These range from basic upper torso exercises up to over the counter breast size booster pills and topical creams.

Many breast enhancement pills are derived from traditional herbal products that contain breast enhancing properties and the like. Saw palmetto, blessed thistle, Dong Quai and Mexican wild yam are the most common herbal mixes for breast enhancement. These breast enhancement pills are said to yield the same hormonal effects that happen during puberty, when women's breast size starts to increase. It is said that these breast enhancement pills produce estrogen, the tissue responsible for breast tissue growth, hence the increase in breast size.

The disadvantage of resorting into breast enhancement pills is that, it takes time for the desired effect to be attained. For instance, in women with small to medium breast size, it takes up to two months before breast enhancement pills takes effect. On a lighter note, some women uses breast enhancement pills continues to take breast enhancement pills even after the increase in breast size is evident because of other positive changes in health.

Breast enhancement pills is a good alternative to surgical breast augmentation because these pills are natural, non-invasive and less expensive.

On the other hand, the use of breast enhancement creams and lotions are also recommended. Often, breast enhancement cream and lotion is used together with the aforementioned breast enhancement pills, or is coupled with upper torso exercises. Breast enhancement lotion and cream is known to provide substantial breast size increase, especially if paired with another breast enhancement mechanism.

Breast enhancement creams and lotions pretty have the same mechanism of action as that with the breast enhancement pills. Herbal contents of these lotions and creams are said to activate specific body chemicals that signal the growth of breast tissue, hence the increase in breast size. Also, by virtue of cosmetic technology, commercial breast enhancement creams now come with added cosmetic benefits like making ones breast smoother, firmer and fuller.

Last but not the least, women can opt for the time-tested breast enhancement technique at no cost at all--- breast enhancement physical exercises. These exercises are the cheapest, safest and most natural method there is. It promotes breast size growth, though one needs dedication and hard work in order for desired effects to be achieved.

Them most popular breast enhancement exercise is the breast enhancement push-ups because it strengthens the muscle in the anterior portion of your upper body. Breast enhancement push-up exercises should be performed at least ten repetitions per session and on a regular basis in order to achieve desired breast size.

Engaging in a regular breast enhancement exercise routine may not only develop the growth of your breast tissues but strengthens your back and shoulder muscles and bones as well. This way, you are most likely to attain proper posture, and as we know, a good posture is also one easy breast enhancement technique.

By: Sandis Jackson

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009


Kulit Anda menjadi cokelat eksotis setelah berjemur di pantai. Anda pun cukup puas. Tetapi, keselnya, esokan harinya warna eksootis itu sudah mulai memudar. Ingin warna cokelat keemasan kulit Anda bertahan lam? Ini rahasianya :

Lembabkan kulit
Sebelum dan sesudah berjemur, daripada mandi dengan sabun biasa, coba mandi dengan sea salt dan tambahkan minyak nabati seperti olive oil.

Jangan pakai pemutih kulit
Sementara hindari penggunaan masker dan kosmetik yang mengandung ketimun, lemon dan susu. Biasanya kosmetik berbahan ini mencerahkan warna kulit.

Oleskan masker pada wajah
Agar kilit tidak kering, basuh wajah dengan air teh dan gunakan masker tomat (selama 15-20 menit) untuk mendinginkan kulit.

Minum cukup air
Konsumsilah sekitar 1,5lt air sehari

Makan sehat
Konsumsi vitamin-vitamin A, C dan E (terdapat dalam sayur, buah, susu, kuning telur, hati sapi, keju, semangka, minyak nabati) dan jangan lupa protein dari ikan yang mengandung lemak.

By: fit

Body Odour Smells - Did You Know Sweat Has No Smell

Body odour smell is an ailment that can not be avoided - body smells can often turn into a rancid stench if the offending area behind the smell is left unattended therefore causing body odour. In a lot of cases body odour smells can not be avoided, however precautions can be taken in the way of prevention to help unpleasant body odours.

Most body odour smells have a distinguishing smelly presence thus allowing you to direct your medication or cleaning process in the right direction. No one is exempt from body odour whether it is offensive or a lingering sweet essence from scented body sprays etc Treatment and medication for body odour smells are readily available over chemist counters but always talk with your doctor to be sure that the antiseptic body wash or whatever your purchase is, ideally suited to your needs. The wrong medication or treatment can instigate more problems.

Parts of the human body are identified by certain smells - the nose is a great detective for pin pointing exactly where the offensive smell is coming from. Unpleasant sweaty stale odours are normally ignored by the sufferer due to the fact that they are unaware they smell. This could be because their sense of smell has become so elementary making certain molecules in the nostrils insensitive. Strong pungent smells like garlic or curry can be sniffed out but unfortunately the smelly odour produced from their armpits goes unnoticed.

We all sweat because this is a natural bodily function. When the body perspires it is relieving heat in a biological way - bear in mind sweat does not smell but however it is a base for bacteria therefore the acrid odour.

Body odour smells can be stemmed in a couple of ways by reducing the amount of sweat loss and by treating the area of bacteria that is the cause behind the production of the body odour.

To help combat bacteria - you must dedicate more time to your cleaning routine thus more attention to where you suffer and feel the most embarrassing smells come from.

A body wash cleaning every nook and cranny - particularly in the areas where the sweat producing glands are plentiful, for instance under the arms, groin and foot area, is vital. We all differ in ourselves in the personal hygiene department so you will find that some people will have more sweat and oil producing glands than that of others, the remedy for this is that washing routines may have to take place two or three times a day.

Using antiperspirants and deodorants are also another part of the package to keep repulsive and embarrassing body odour smells at bay. Remember to shave areas regularly like under the armpits because the hair is like a magnet for bacteria - results from this a fertile breeding ground for the bacteria.

Certain materials are not a match made in heaven on certain parts of the body so find clothing that is kind next to the skin.

By: Kacy Carr

Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Say Goodbye To Dandruff The Natural Way

Are you afraid to wear black because tiny white flakes might drop down on your shoulders? Do you often scratch your head because it itches? If you are undergoing these situations, you need to end it now. How? Get rid of dandruff for good! Air pollution makes maintaining a healthy scalp and hair a difficult task. One of the most known and hated hair ailments of all is dandruff. Although it is quite an irritation to have dandruff, this is still very common. People, no matter what their age, can have uncontrolled dandruff. One out of every two people in the world has had dandruff problems at some point or another.

The cure could be just right inside your home! Try one of these homemade remedies:

1. The glycerine treatment

- Combine 1 tablespoon glycerine, 1 tablespoon colconut oil, 1 tablespoon vinegar, and 1 egg. Mix until the materials form a paste.
- Put this on your scalp. Make the treatment settle in the scalp for about one hour.
- Then wash your hair using a shampoo. Do this once each week.

2. Tamarind and Sugarcane

- Dampen tamarind using water and combine it with molasses.
- Put these mixed ingredients on your scalp.
- After 1 hour, cleanse it using a shampoo. Do this once each week.

3.The vinegar and water treatment

- Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 6 teaspoons water.
- Put this on the scalp before bedtime. Just let it stay the whole evening. Use a towel to wrap around the head overnight.
- When you wake up in the morning, rinse the hair again with the vinegar and water mix. This should be done for several months to be effective.

4. Lemon Juice and Vinegar

- Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with 2 teaspoons vinegar.
- Massage this mixture to the scalp. After massaging, apply egg shampoo to the hair.

5.Sulfur and Spirit

- Combine 1 part sulfur powder, 2 parts surgical spirits, one part almond oil and 4 parts distilled water or rose water.
- Apply this on the scalp continually and the dandruff will not come back.

6.Thyme and Water

- 2 cups dried thyme and water should be boiled in a span of 10 minutes
- When the concoction cools, massage the hair and scalp and let it stay for 30minutes.
- Then wash with water and observe your renewed hair that is free from dandruff.

7. Fenugreek seeds
- Dip fenugreek seeds in water overnight
- The next day, massage the mix on the head
- Leave it there for a while. Then wash it with a shampoo that is mild.

8.Hazel with Lemon

- Combine 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice with 100 grams witch hazel
- Add 200 ml water
- Use this mixture to wash hair. This should be done numerous times to keep dandruff away.

9.Olive oil and almond oil

- Combine equal parts almond oil and olive oil
- Massage on the scalp and let it stay for 5 minutes
- The wearer can feel the warmth on the scalp. Rinse thoroughly.

10. Pain killer that kills dandruff

-Crush two aspirins and mix with gentle shampoo
- Put it on the scalp and let it stay for 2 minutes
- Rinse and take out all the aspirin particles on the head

By: Stephen White

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Acne Skin Care

Acne skin care is a priority for many people since over ninety percent of us will unfortunately suffer with acne breakouts at some time during our lives. The right skin care routine can combat blemishes and prevent future flareups from occurring.

Three Step Acne Skin Care

Acne-prone skin is like taking care of any other skin type when it comes to basics – you always use a three step system. Whether your system is based on natural elements, over-the-counter remedies or prescriptions, you will always use a cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

Wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser to remove dead skin cells, dirt and oils. Next, use a toner to get rid of the residue that may remain after cleansing, Finally, apply a light, noncomedogenic moisturizer to maintain your skin's balance. Moderate to severe acne sufferers can use specialized acne cream with ingredients such as tea tree oil or benzoyl peroxide to combat breakouts while replenishing moisture.

Never combine acne skin care routines. Certain ingredients do not mix well with others and you should never conduct a potentially harmful chemistry experiment on your face. By sticking with one line of acne treatment products at a time, you can identify what works and what does not work without irritating your skin.

Also, certain ingredients in your acne treatment products can actually aggravate the condition and should be avoided. Elements that should not be included in your everyday skin care regime include lanolin, mineral oil, parabens and propylene glycol that can cause inflammation and irritation.

Controlling Breakouts

There are acne skin care remedies that can help clear up pimples and prevent future breakouts. Over the counter acne skin care treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and tea tree oil are particularly helpful for clearing up this skin problem.

To remove dead skin cells that can clog your pores and aggravate acne, you can use clay masks, microdermabrasion and exfoliating scrubs. Avoid harsh treatments that will strip or irritate your skin, causing additional breakouts.

The Right Diet

Including certain vitamins in your diet is an essential part of an effective acne skin care routine. Vitamins to enhance your acne skin care program include vitamin A (found in carrots and tomatoes), vitamin B (found in meats and whole grains), vitamin C (found in oranges and lemons), vitamin E (found in almonds and vegetable oil) and zinc (found in eggs and mushrooms). Your daily diet should include six to eight glasses of water daily to flush toxins out of your system for clearer skin.

Foods that really don't belong in your everyday diet (and can also pack on unwanted weight) include fried foods, chocolate, sweets, saturated fats, soft drinks and alcohol.

Acne Regimes Take Time

No matter which acne treatment option you choose, remember it takes time to see results. Allow six to eight weeks for your program to work before changing your routine or trying a new one.

By following a practical acne skin care treatment routine, you can enjoy a more glowing complexion in just a few weeks.

Acne Skin Care Grooming Tips

To best deal with the excess oil that builds up on the skin, use an astringent, especially if you have excessively oily skin. Additionally, do not use a moisturizer every day. However, a moisturizer with no oil is very useful directly after washing the skin when it is at its roughest.

Your products should be water based when at all possible so as to avoid the excess oil that some products can produce. Also use a sulfur-based soap twice a day to wash your face. Be gentle when washing though to avoid abuse of the skin. Scrubbing will negate the positive effects of your acne skin care.

Honey is a great facial mask product. It works as a disinfectant and in some cases to heal some blemishes. As a natural acne skin care product, it is believed to be one of the most effective. Long hair does not bode well for skin afflicted by acne either. The dust and oil in your hair brushing against your face will only serve to further clog pores and inflame acne.

Acne Skin Care through Nutrition and Supplements

There are plenty of vitamins and supplements you can take on a daily basis to increase the effectiveness of your acne skin care regiment. A multi-vitamin should be a part of your diet while an additional chromium supplement will serve to help your blemishes heal quicker. Vitamin A is a natural skin protector as well as an acne preventative, acting to reduce sebum.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day will keep your skin clean and your body hydrated to promote overall health and subsequent skin health. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis is not only a good healthy habit; it promotes acne skin care by combating the negative nutritional factors that can cause acne such as greasy food.

What Not to Do during Acne Skin Care

There are a variety of things you should avoid at all costs. Do no pop or squeeze pimples as it can easily lead to infection and further swelling or even scarring of your skin. Alcohol based skin care products should also be avoided as they promote the production of the hormones that cause acne. Wash your pillow cases and your sheets every day if possible to reduce oil transferred to your face. Stress is another common cause of acne, so try to find times to relax and not allow stress to overcome your body.

Ultimately, the proper combination of a healthy lifestyle and the right acne skin care techniques can ensure that your body remains as healthy as possible and keep your skin as clear as possible.

By: Maya McMahon

Best Skin Care Tips Revealed in This Anti Aging Skin Care Guide

This brief anti aging skin care guide should get you started in the right direction.

There is a lot to learn about anti aging skin care treatment, lots of research to be done.

Lots of new discoveries become available every day.

But, before you buy anything, there are a number of safety factors to consider.

First things first, always read the label.

Hidden among the fine print on the tube of that eye gel are carcinogens, irritants and inactive, ineffective ingredients.

The first thing that we would like to explain in this anti aging skin care guide is why you get wrinkles, fine lines, droopy eyes and age spots.

If you know what causes them, you should be better equipped to find an effective anti aging skin care treatment, one that counters or prevents the outward signs of getting older.

There are basically three layers of skin, although they are sometimes further broken down into 7 or more.

They are the epidermis, the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

A number of changes occur in the different layers as we age.

All of them combine to make you look older, but 90% are caused by exposure to sunlight.

So, in this anti aging skin care guide, we focus on the sun.

UVA and B rays cause thinning in the epidermis.

Sunlight damages collagen fibers in the dermis and changes elastin in such a way that it further breaks down collagen fiber.

Over time, the damaged collagen and elastin are unable to perfectly rebuild skin-cells and the result is wrinkles.

UV radiation from the sun also initiates the production of free radicals that do further damage and cause more wrinkles.

Exposure to smoke and air pollution also contribute to the formation of free radicals.

Gravity, changing hormonal levels and habitual facial expressions are also factors, but nothing does more damage than the sun.

You might think then that anti aging skin care treatment should include the use of a sunscreen with a high SPF rating.

Most any anti aging skin care guide will say “yes”, but the subject is a bit controversial.

SPFs are synthetic chemicals that could endanger your health with long term use.

The only safe sunscreens are those that will not be absorbed through your pores, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

If you are planning a day at the beach and you are fair skinned, you should choose one of those.

But, for a daily anti aging skin care treatment they are much too thick.

The other problem with sunscreens is that we get Vitamin D from the sun.

More and more Americans are testing positive for vitamin D deficiency, which plays a role in osteoporosis and other health conditions that are often thought to accompany old age.

While it blocks UV, SPF also blocks vitamin D.

The best anti aging skin care guide that we have seen advises hats and short bursts of exposure to sunlight and to stay away from the tanning booths.

Then, there is the fact, that most of the damage is done when you are young, before the age of 20.

So, what you really need to do is help your system repair the damage.

New all natural lotions that penetrate the epidermis and destroy damaging free radicals are now available for anti aging skin care treatment. It’s like a daily vitamin for your skin.

So there you have it. A proactive way to deal with aging skin is to seek out the latest generation skin care creams.

These contain the newest ingredients that ensure the health of your skin and help you maintain a youthful appearance for the years to come.

By: Robert De Paola

Body Skin Care

There are right and wrong ways to go about the numerous tasks associated with body skin care, from cleaning and moisturizing to exfoliating. By following a simple three step process every day, you can be sure that your skin will remain youthful and exuberant for years to come.

Your Skin Type Affects Body Skin Care

The first thing you must do before starting a new skin care regiment is to be sure of what skin type you have. A simple ‘skin test” will suffice to do so. Wash your face and pat it dry. Then press rice paper or lens-cleaning paper to various spots on your face. The paper will stick to oil and turn translucent. Dry spots will do nothing. If the paper only turns oily in certain areas such as your forehead, nose and chin, this is a sign of combination skin (70% of women have this type).

Step 1 – Cleansing

Find a good cleanser and stay with it. Simplicity is key in this regard. You should be able to match your skin type to a simple cleanser that does not cause the same harsh results as soap. A cleanser is different because it contains more specific ingredients, specifically designed to promote body skin care health. Oil in them dissolves the oil on your face. Surfactants dissolve makeup and dirt and water washes it all away. The true key to finding a cleanser that matches your body skin care needs is in finding the right combination of oil to match your skin type.

There are a number of different recommendations for the use of cleanser. Some recommend twice daily use and some only once a day. The best solution is to match your specific needs to your cleansing schedule. Always wash your face at night before going to bed. If, in the morning your face requires a more thorough cleansing, use a small amount and lukewarm water. Over washing the face can actually cause additional damage.

Step 2 – Exfoliating

Your body skin care routine should include exfoliating at least once a week. Many people skip this step altogether, but it can be as effective if not more so than any other action you take. Your exfoliation options are many fold. A good microdermabrasian kit used once a week is very effective and fairly simple though. Make sure you use a gentle scrub created with small grains. Larger, more direct scrubs can tear your skin and cause damage.

Step 3 – Moisturize

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to moisturize regularly. Without the daily application of moisturizer, your beauty skin care routine will fail. What does moisturizer do that makes it such a universally important addition? It seals in the moisture on your face, keeping it supple over time. The only exception to the rule that you end your body skin care routine with moisturizer is in those individuals with acne – it will only serve to worsen the effects.

By: Maya McMahon

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Entice Healthy Hair With Hair Care Tips

Hair is an important aspect of an individual’s appearance. It is natural and is determined at the time of birth. It generates from the number of roots in the scalp. Each hair grows up to a certain length and then stops naturally. It even sheds down at some point. New hair shaft replaces the lost hair. Now this new hair needs to be taken care of.

Healthy hair is a mirror to a good health. But due to the velocity of life one tends to skip over health issues leaving apart hair care. Here are a few hair care tips to ease hair loss and achieve manageable healthy hair.

Balanced Diet: Hair being a part of your body is affected by the food intake of an individual. It is recommended that a daily diet should be balanced with adequate amount of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals. An individual having oily hair should avoid intake of oily food items. Drinking plenty of water cleanses the toxins in turn enabling healthy hair growth.

Natural Hair Care: Brushing your hair regularly to stimulate the scalp will keep it looking healthy and lustrous. Never attack wet hair with a brush, no matter how rushed for time you are. Tangles in wet hair are best removed with a wide-toothed comb. A warm oil scalp massage two or three times a week will help stimulate and moisturize the scalp.

Air dry: Blow drying your hair robs off the excess moisture. It damages your hair even more. Let your hair air-dry whenever possible. Stand under the fan and run your fingers gently through the hair helping it dry.

Various hair care products are available in the market to help your hair restore its natural health and protect it from chemicals. Hair gels, creams, oils, shampoo, conditioner and hair softeners are to name a few. A wide range of hair care accessories in hair spray, tweezers, hair scissors, hair cutting scissors, sheers, professional sheers, hair sheers, hair comb, bobby pin, head band, eyelash curler, hair brush, and shower cap accessories are available.

For each hair care accessory and product, a full description of the product, picture of the package and the directions for its use is given.

In order to purchase a hair care product or accessory, one need not go searching for a salon or beauty shop. You can order it online. It’s the easiest way to purchase the right product to spruce your hair.

Healthy hair is a blessing. Treat your hair right for lustrous and healthy hair.

By: Alan Anderson

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

Have Hair Care

Having a hair cut can change your look completely. It can be better or worse. Sometimes you will feel better when having a new cut or color. Here is the story of hair.

The mysteries of maintaining beautiful hair should have been uncovered by now, but for many women finding a simple way to keep their hair looking wonderful is as elusive as it was to women centuries before. The desire for beautiful hair is not new. Ancient Egyptians shaved their heads and wore elaborate, heavy, braided wigs to achieve perfection. European history also abounds with torturous hair styles including the ornate, powdered styles wrapped around frames and horsehair which attracted vermin. All in the name of beauty.

Today, fashion still influences a woman's hairstyle but that doesn't mean you have to subject your hair to needless damage. Take advantage of the tips below on caring properly for your hair.

Even though your hair is not a living part of your body, itstill needs proper care for optimum health and beauty. One of the key elements to having shiny, healthy hair is to allow the natural oils in the scalp to lubricate it. The hair closest to the scalp benefits from natural sebum oils the most while longer hair can become dry and brittle from a lack of these oils.

No matter what exotic ingredients it's made up of , shampoo performs a simple job of removing excess oils, pollution and styling product build up from the hair. All of your hair needs gentle cleansing but it is the top two or three inches that is most weighed down with natural oils and dulling hair products. Concentrating the washing in that area will reduce the amount of oils removed from longer areas of hair which can be over dried from the stripping of oils and extended contact with shampoo.

Conditioning on the other hand should be used sparingly, if at all, on the top inches of the hair while concentrated on the ends. Conditioning is an important step to replace needed oils and provide protection from styling agents such as blow dryers and irons.

Your hair will look its most beautiful when you choose a style that requires the least amount of heat and product damage. Protecting your hair with conditioners is key, but choosing a style that suits the texture of your hair will eliminate the need for more torturous styling tools.

Frizzy and dry hair can benefit from the application of silicone based products. Bear in mind that a little goes a long way and concentrate the product on the ends of your hair.

When blow drying keep the blow dryer at least six inches from your hair to prevent excessive damage from the heat. Blow drying in the direction of the shaft (down the length of hair) will create a smoother appearance.

Anytime you use chemicals in your hair you should make sure your hair is in a healthy condition before applying the treatment. Overuse of these treatments can damage hair beyond repair and affect the results of the products.

Your hair will look shinier and feel thicker when you remove dried and split ends. Trimming the hair every 6 to 8 weeks will keep it looking its best.

Taking simple steps to maintain healthy hair will put you on track to more 'good hair days' than you ever thought possible!

By: Mary Williams

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Anti-Aging Skin Care- Seven Steps To Reducing Wrinkles And Preventing Aging Saggy Skin

Are you wondering which are the best anti aging treatments and ways to rejuvenate your skin?.

What can be done about existing lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin? Traditionally the only solutions available have been painful and expensive cosmetic surgeries, toxin injections, and harsh chemical peels. Each of which has a long list of potentially dangerous side effects. Recent scientific breakthroughs have allowed for the development of more gentle cosmetic products that can reduce saggy skin as well as facial lines and wrinkles without the risks involved with other more traditional procedures.

Probably you are confused with all the different ingredients that we can find in anti aging skin care products, and with so many choices, we don't even know where to start.

Aging is related to accumulation of damage at the cellular level. Offenders include environment, free radicals, and chemicals. The best way to deal with aging skin is to ensure that you take a proactive approach to skin care and follow a few simple steps to help prevent the early onset of aging and keep your skin hydrated and moisturised.

STEP 1. Use A Preservative Free Paraben Free Skin Care System

The major key in reducing aging skin and restoring youthful lustre is to avoid preservatives in your skin care products. Preservatives, methylparaben in particular, have been shown to increase the damage to skin caused by UV light, thus increasing the aging of skin .

If you want to prevent aging of your skin you really need to be aware of what you are putting on your skin. While many companies claim their products are “all natural” and of the “finest quality,” a close look at the ingredients reveals they contain toxic synthetic preservatives, ‘suspected’ carcinogens, drying alcohols, and synthetic fragrances and dyes.

So make an educated decision to use products that contain absolutely no preservatives . A good book to refer to is “The Truth About Cosmetics…And Some Natural Alternatives” by Haru Naito.

Until recently, most skin care products around the world have contained preservatives that promote skin aging. However, new skin care technology has developed and there are now a few unique skin care ranges on the market that have eliminated preservatives with the goal to support the skin’s state of wellness and protect the skin from premature aging. ( ).

In fact a world’s first water-based skincare line has been recently released in Japan, Australia and the US which uses a revolutionary patented water filtration system where fungus and bacteria can not grow thus eliminating the need for any preservatives. You can receive a free report and skin care brochure at

STEP 2. Keep Your Skin Clean

Cleanse your skin with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Make sure you do not leave on make up or allow residue to build up on your skin. This will lead to increased stress on your skin and can cause pores to clog and become infected.

The key here is not to rub, scrape, or be overly abrasive in the process. You will require a gentle cleanser that contains a fine abrasive to get into your skin pores and remove bacteria and soil. New skin care technology uses a fine ground stone which has tiny holes, when you wash our face, the stone goes into the skin pores and removes bacteria and soil from the pores.

STEP 3. Keep Your Skin Properly Hydrated.

Hydrating aging skin and helping it to retain moisture are the keys to reducing and preventing wrinkles. Water provides hydration to our skin. So you require a skin care line that can provide water to your skin cells and plump them up like a grape rather than shrivelled up and dry like a saltanna. Look at the hydration rates of the skin care product you are using and the clinical proven results.

Also many skin care products use carriers to take the moisturising ingredients into the cells. You need to ensure that no carrier chemicals are used which can be absorbed into your circulation and can cause serious health issues. A new water-based skincare line hydrates the skin by 80% after only one use and uses the technology of glyconutrients (plant based nutrients) to carry the water to the skin cell and hold it in. This dramatically reduces wrinkles. Research also shows that glyconutrients in skin care products seal the skin keeping in the water and keeping harmful elements out, meaning skin cells will be regenerated and skin can return to be like a babies bottom.

So use a skin care line that hydrates and uses safe carrier nutrients to fight the visible signs of aging by reducing wrinkles around your eyes, mouth and forehead.

STEP 4. Nourish your skin with healthy ingredients

Nourishing the skin with the proper ingredients is also important.

Use skin care that delivers only healthy nutrients that can protect your skin from premature aging, stress and dryness. Many plants in the world have long been recognized for their therapeutic health benefits. Just make sure the ingredients are natural plant foods or certified organic ingredients. Today many scientific studies demonstrate the numerous benefits of using specific botanicals that provide nourishing properties that assist your body in renewing healthy moisture enhanced skin tissues. This is the foundation of a preservative free skincare product line.

STEP 5. Use A Wrinkle Cream That Is Proven To Work

Wrinkles and spots are normally too deep to be effected by skin care products, but not now with the recent advancement in skin care technology skin cells can be corrected from damage done and create new healthy skin cells.

An anti-wrinkle cream lessens the appearance of your wrinkles, depending on how often you use it, the type and amount of active ingredient in the wrinkle cream and the extent of the wrinkles you want to treat.

Do they work? Consider these points when judging the merits of using a wrinkle cream: Ensure the skin care system you use has been subjected to research and clinical trials to prove their benefit. You’ll likely need to use the wrinkle cream once or twice a day for many weeks before noticing improvements. Remembering that skin cells rejuvenate every 28 days.

STEP 6. Support your skin’s health and prevent premature aging with good quality supplements.


Oxidative stress is the principle cause of aging and premature death. By controlling free radicals, anti-oxidants influence how fast and how well we age. It is virtually impossible to get optimal amount of antioxidants from foods alone. So invest in a good quality antioxidant. After a lifetime of exposure to pollutants, we need antioxidant help. The best antioxidant on the market is provided by the Australian Bush Plum and studies at an Australian University provides the research to prove the effect of this antioxidant which is provided in a capsule food supplement.


Scientists can tell how old you are physiologically based on the amount of DHEA (primary hormone of the body) in your blood. Levels peak at age 25 years and then decline. Most researchers agree to retard aging DHEA levels must be maintained. In our modern diet our daily intake of hormone modulator is severely depleted. A Phyto Hormone supplement provides your body naturally with the building blocks to maintain and enhance normal hormone production. It will support efficient fat burning, help you look younger, feel younger and potentially live longer.


Science has now established that certain natural plant sugars are vital for maintaining good health. Glyconutrients play a vital role in disease prevention and immune system restoration. Supplementation with a blend of glyconutrients have been shown to improve the immune system and improve the antioxidant level inside cells. In addition research shows that glyconutrients help with reversing 8 of the biological signs of aging. A good reason to start supplementing your diet with these nutrients. There is only one manufacturer of the exclusive source of the complete blend of these nutrients.


Make sure you get a good blend of essential fatty acids in your diet.. Supplementation with essential fatty acids supports your skin to become softer and smoother. They are necessary to make cells membranes and for many of the important hormones and other chemical messengers that tell your body what to do.

In recent years, researchers have been able to determine the reason essential fats are so critical to the formation of soft, smooth skin texture and the management of certain skin conditions. Investigative studies have shown that the link between fabulous skin texture and intake of essential oils is explained by the effect essential fats have on the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones within epidermal cells.

So supplementation with a combination of these nutrients is required for you are wanting to reduce the signs of aging and support your skins health from inside as well as outside.


Make sure you get enough rest, so that your skin has time to repair itself.

We all know that aging skin can be problematic and sometimes even downright scary. By following the tips listed above and carefully selecting your skin care products, you'll be one step ahead in the battle against aging skin. We all get old but we don't have to look that way!

The bottom line is to know the science and ingredients behind the products you use, look at the clinical trials, ensure the company is ethical and practices good manufacturing practices and then stick to doing business with one that has a solid reputation for delivering results. There are countless products on the market but only a handful that are based on legitimate science. These are the ones to add to your daily skin care regiment.

The one thing you must do is be constant, without getting obsessed, with whatever you choose to rejuvenate your skin. A new era of skin care technology is a huge breakthrough in the battle against our aging skin.

So in summary your Skin Care wish list should include:

1. Preservative Free
2. Anti- Aging
3. Fragrance Free
4. Colorant Free
5. Allergy Tested
6. Suits All Skin Types
7. Non- Comedogenic (not clogging, won’t aggravate acne)
8. No Animal Testing
9. Opthamologist Tested
10. Visible Real Results

Too much in one skin care line. Do your research and you will find that there are limited skin care products that provide all these benefits. Go to for a free report on antiaging and preservative free skin care.

by: Ellen Agius

How Subliminal Messages help you to Lose Weight

Ever found yourself looking at the weighing scales and wishing you could lose weight? And yet, you scoff at diet pills and weight loss programs that have not worked for you. This is your conscious mind at work. Your conscious mind tells you that it is not possible to lose those pounds, and that subliminal CDs to lose weight are a hoax. However, this is not true!

All your previous weight loss attempts have failed because your conscious mind has already decided that they will fail. Hence, subliminal CDs provide you with the key to losing weight, by bypassing the conscious mind that forms judgments and negative thoughts. The subconscious mind is uncritical, and accepts the opinions and ideas that you embed into it, helping to dispel these negative thoughts. With the help of subliminal CDs to inject positive affirmations into your subconscious mind, you will be able to lose weight now.

That is not to say that just by listening to a subliminal CD over and over you will lose weight! The magic behind subliminal CDs goes beyond that. The message that the CD sends out to your subconscious consists of a few different but simple principles which you will find yourself practicing slowly as you listen to the CD as per the instructions on the packaging. This is how it works.

1) Confidence

The subliminal CDs will give you the confidence in yourself to lose weight. By going straight to your subconscious, you are able to eliminate the root of the weight loss problem: your conscious mind. The conscious mind tells you that it is impossible and that you will never lose weight, and hence you never lose those pounds.

2) Eat Right, Exercise More

The subliminal CD will encourage you to exercise more, and eat right. You will find yourself more motivated to visit the gym, instead of merely thinking about it. In other words, the subliminal CD contains positive messages that help you transform your ideas into actions. You will feel your subconscious telling you to get busy and cut down on snacking, and to eat right. All these are knowledge that you already have, but just never put into practice!

3) Drink Water

It is important to drink a lot of water when you’re trying to lose weight. Water acts as a natural cleansing and detox routine, as it flushes out the toxics, fats and calories in your body. This is also a part of the magic of the subliminal CD, which encourages you to drink a healthy amount of water everyday.

Before you know it, you will find yourself avoiding snacks and unhealthy food as your body adjusts to take in only the amount of food that is necessary. This is not magic, it is simply the power of your subconscious mind being harnessed to overcome the negative thoughts that your conscious mind produces!

by: Greg Frost

Top 10 Reasons Why you should NOT "go" on a Diet

The only thing growing faster than the $65 billion diet industry is the American waistline. If one of your New Years resolutions was to Go on a Diet, the only place I guarantee you will up in weight.

It's a Fact - Diets will only make you fatter.

When it comes to the latest in Diet fads, we are quite gullible and easily tempted by a Diet's empty promised. Reason being....the diet industry KNOWS we are in search of the "quick fix" and will only play with our emotions - our desperation for the quickest way to relieve looking and feeling fat.

Diets are nothing more than Temporary Solutions with many lingering, negative side effects.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons Why you should NOT "go" on a Diet

1. Diets do NOT work.

Diets have a 99% Failure Rate. Have you noticed a pattern yet? Lose weight....quickly regain it? Over time, studies show if you diet you are more likely to be overweight than people who eat normally and make small gradual changes to their lifestyle. No, the Law of Averages does not apply to this faulty system.

2. Dieting can be Dangerous.

Any time you severely restrict the amount or types of foods you eat you put your health and life at risk. Dieting has been related to injuries and sudden deaths from electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition, and heart arrhythmia's. Weight cycling, or yo-yo-ing weight, is associated with higher death rates - especially if some type of pills are being used. At no point should you ever place weight loss above your health.

3. Dieting Destroys your Metabolism.

Diets will cause your weight to quickly cycle up and down. Sure, you may lose weight quickly because you are simply not eating enough. In the initial stages, the first seven to nine pounds lost are water, presenting a real danger of dehydration and mineral deficiencies. Even more terrifying ins the break down of lean muscle due to inefficient nutrients and calories. If you are losing more than 3-4 pounds a week, you can be sure this is what is happening - very little fat is lost this state.

Now, any muscle loss will cause your metabolism slow to a crawl. The cumulative effect takes place for you cannot survive very long on very low calories (1200 or less) and you will eventually eat more - on top of a slower metabolism. All those excess calories will be stored as fat - causing rapid weight gain.

4. Dieting is Exhausting.

Diets are just reduced calorie Fads disguised by a clever gimmick. "Lose weight while you sleep" "Eat all you want and still lose weight" Not eating enough or cutting out certain food groups means your body may not be getting the energy it needs, or may lack certain nutrients. You will feel exhausted, light headed and experience some not-so-fun mood swings.

5. Dieting is Disruptive.

Dieting negatively affects your normal eating patterns. Diets can lead to binge eating, overeating and chaotic eating. When you diet, it is common to override your internal signals telling you to eat. You end up trying to use willpower or resist hunger signals and may even go as far as taking appetite suppressants. This results in being unable to know when you really are hungry or wore....when you're full.

6. Dieting can lead to eating disorders.

Experts state that the high rates of eating disorders in the U.S. are due in part to people dieting, losing weight, rebounding, and becoming chronic dieters.

7. Dieting Causes Food Obsessions.

If you spend a large amount of time and energy depriving yourself of food or certain types of food - you will spend more time thinking about food and become obsessed attempts to control your weight by what you choose to eat or not eat. How long do you want to live like this?

8. Dieting Diminishes Women.

There is way too much attention focused on our appearance and an arbitrary number on the scale. In the midst of this focus - we end up avoiding what really matters to us - our dreams and ambitions. Even worse, it erodes our confidence and self-respect.

9. Dieting Intensifies Negativity.

If you diet, you are more judgmental and critical of yourself and others. Once again, wasted time and energy.

10. Diets Put Your Life on Hold.

Does this sound familiar...."I'll be happy when I weigh "x pounds." Guess what, the issues in your life are not related to your weight. Take responsibility and take back control of your life. Decide to be happy now and do what it takes to live a lifestyle that reflects your priorities.

So this year resolve to NOT go on a Diet. Set Yourself Free from this miserable, guaranteed to fail weight loss cycle. Do NOT let the diet industry make money by taking advantage of you. It is time to stand up for yourself and take control.

by: Holly Rigsby

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Menjaga Kulit Mulus & Sehat

Kulit menjadi perisai untuk menghadapi kondisi luar macam radikal bebas, sinar UV, polusi dan debu. Selain unsur dalam tubuh seperti stres dan gangguan hormonal. Kalau tak terjaga, kulit bisa menjadi kusam, keriput atau muncul gejala penuaan dini. Padahal menjaga kulit tetap mulus dan sehat tidaklah sulit, asal kita tahu kiatnya.
Seperti apakah kecantikan kulit seorang wanita? Banyak yang percaya , kulit sehatlah yang bikin cantik atau cantik lantaran sehat. Dibolak-balik seperti apa pun, kuncinya adalah cantik dan sehat luar dalam.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, semakin meningkat usia seorang wanita, akan turun pula kemampuan alamiah kulitnya. Terjadilah proses penuaan, umumnya berlangsung pada awal usia 30-an, dengan munculnya kerut-merut halus di sudut mata dan bibir. Secara genetik, orang berkurit kering cenderung lebih cepat keriput ketimbang yang berminyak atau normal. Demikian pula orang yang berkulit hitam cenderung lebih terlindung dari gangguan terbakar sinar matahari atau ultraviolet yang bisa mempercepat penuaan kulit ketimbang orang yang berkulit putih.
Keadaan kulit merupakan cerminan kondisi kesehatan dan kehidupan seseorang. Kulit sehat cerminan kondisi tubuh sehat. Sebaliknya, kulit kusam kurang bercahaya bisa menjadikan indikasi tubuh tidak dalam kondisi fit.
Mengapa bisa begitu? Karena kulit memiliki banyak fungsi lain di luar sebagai indera perasa dan selubung tubuh dari ancaman kondisi alam sekitar. Kulit ikut membantu mengatur suhu tubuh, juga melindungi dari virus/bakteri, dan yang tak kalah pentingnya menjalankan fungsi sekresi serta pengeluaran cairan.
Pada fungsi sekresi, kulit mengeluarkan semacam minyak yang dinamakan sebum guna mempertahankan kelembapan dan kehalusan kulit. Sedangkan pengeluaran cairan berupa air keringat untuk mengatur suhu tubuh agar tetap dalam batas normal.
Secara garis besar, lapisan kulit paling luar adalah kulit ari (stratum corneum) yang tipis seperti kulit bawang. Dibawahnya terdapat berbagai organ, antara lain pembuluh darah, kelenjar keringat, bermacam-macam instrument saraf. Lebih dalam lagi ada jaringan lemak yang tebal. Lapisan berikutnya otot (daging) dan tulang yang bukan lagi bagian dari kulit.
Sesuai proses alam, sebenarnya setiap 28 hari sekali sel-sel kulit akan beregenerasi atau meremajakan diri. Sel kulit yang semula berbentuk bulat akan naik ke permukaan kulit dan berubah bentuk menjadi gepeng, sebelum akhirnya mati serta menjadi bagian dari lapisan kulit ari.
Pada kondisi kulit menua, yang terjadi sebaliknya. Lapisan kulit luar yang mengandung sel-sel kulit hidup dan lapisan tempat berbagi pembuluh dari kelenjar, menipis. Sedangkan lapisan kulit ari justru menebal, karena sel-sel kulit pada mati atau dakinya terus menumpuk.
Wujud penuaan dini bisa dilihat dengan munculnya bercak-bercak coklat kehitaman (melasma), munculnya garis halus atau keriput, berkurangnya elastisitas, pori-pori tampak lebih besar, kulit menjadi kering, kusam dan lebih kelam. Bila tak segera ditangani bercak-bercak hitam yang umumnya dijumpai pada kulit wanita, bisa makin meluas.
Sinar ultraviolet (UV) matahari terutama UV B yang berdaya penetrasi kuat disebut-sebut sebagai penyebab nomor satu dalam kasus penuaan dini (premature aging). Memang, kasus ini banyak dijumpai pada bagian tubuh yang terbuka, seperti wajah, lengan dan kaki.
Selain paparan sinar panas matahari yang berlebihan, ada beberapa faktor lain yang turut "merusak" kulit. Antara lain, rendahnya kelembabpan udara, ruang ber-AC, paparan angin, polusi udara, air, serta limbah beracun. Tak terkecuali, hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan radikal bebas atau elektron sisa pembakaran dalam tubuh yang tidak berpasangan. Karena tidak berpasangan, radikal bebas akan menjadi reaktif lalu menarik molekul lain sehingga cenderung merusak. Genetik, ras, dan hormon juga bisa mempengaruhi penuaan kulit.

Perawatan dari dalam
Konsumsi makanan sehat dengan gizi dan vitamin yang cukup, seperti Vitamin A, B-kompleks, C dan E, sangat dibutuhkan untuk membantu sirkulasi darah pada kulit, mempertahankan kelenturan dan kekencangan kulit, mencegah oksidasi lemak yang berbahaya dan menunda proses penuaan kulit.
Minum air yang banyak. Air berfungsi sebagai media untuk mengangkut dan membuang zat-zat yang tidak dibutuhkan tubuh.
Olahraga bisa merangsang sirkulasi darah, memperbaiki nutrisi sel dan membuat tubah bugar dan sehat. Sehingga kulit kita pun akan terlihat sehat dan segar.

Perawatan dari luar
Gunakan tabir surya sebagai bagian dari kegiatan rutin sehari-hari di luar rumah atau di bawah paparan matahari langsung. Pakailah tabir surya berspektrum lebar dengan faktor pelindung surya (SPF) sekurang-kurangnya 15. Spektrum lebar berarti memberi perlindungan terhadap radiasi ultraviolet A dan B. Oleskan tabir surya pada semua bagian kulit yang terkena paparan sinar matahari. Gunakan tabir surya 30 menit sebelum terkena paparan matahari.
Cocokkan kosmetik yang dipakai dengan jenis kulit Anda. Yang berbahan dasar minyak cocok bagi kulit kering. Yang berbahan dasar air cocok untuk kulit berminyak.
Bersihkan dulu rias mata sebelum membersihkan muka. Gunakan kapas wajah agar tidak merusak jaringan lembut di sekitar mata.
Gunakan pelembab. Kadar lapisan minyak di kulit akan berkurang antara lain bisa akibat pemakaian sabun, make-up, bahan kimia dan pendingin ruangan. Untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit akan lebih baik jika kita memakai pelembap.
Hindari kontak langsung dengan matahari, terutama pada pukul 10.00 pagi hingga pukul 14.00 siang. Soalnya, sinar matahari bisa merusak serat elastin yang membuat kulit lentur, juga kolegan yang membentuk dan mempertahankan jaringan kulit, gunakan topi, payung atau baju lengan panjang. Selain itu, pakai tabir surya.

Rumitnya Kulit :

Kompleksitas kulit manusia seringkali kurang dipahami. Tahukah Anda, 1 cm2 kulit rata-rata berisi 1 m pembuluh darah, 100 kelenjar keringat, 3000 sel sensor di ujung serabut saraf, 4 m saraf, 25 instrumen perasa, 200 ujung saraf perasa sakit, 2 instrumen perasa dingin, 12 perasa panas, 10 rambut dan 15 kelenjar minyak.

Aneka Resep

Resep1 : Pegagan, kunyit, kapulaga
1 genggam daun pegagan, 1 genggam daun sinom/daun muda pohon asam jawa, 2 jari rimpang kunyit, 2 rimpang kencur, 1 jari kayu manis jangan, 5 biji kapulaga. Semua itu dicuci bersih lalu direbus dengan 3 gelas air hingga tinggal separuhnya. Tambahkan sedikit gula aren dan air asam atau perasan jeruk nipis. Saring. Ramuan ini diminum 2 kali sehari.

Resep 2 : Kenanga dan temu giring
5 kuntum bunga kenanga, 5 jari rimpang temu giring, 1 buah kulit jeruk purut. Semua bahan itu dicuci bersih lalu ditumbuk hingga halus. Peras dan saring. Airnya dioleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama beberpa saaat. Lakukan hal ini setiap hari sesuai kebutuhan.

Resep 3 : Stoberi
Beberapa butir stoberi dijus lalu diberi sedikit susu cair. Oleskan ramuan ini ke seluruh wajah dan diamkan semalaman. Setelah itu wajah dibilas dengan air hangat.

Resp 4 : Air teh basi
Seduh daun teh secukupnya dengan 1 gelas air panas. Diamkan sampai satu hari satu malam. Keesokan harinya, gunakan air teh basi ini untuk mencuci wajah. Diamkan selama beberapa menit setelah itu bilas.

Resep 5 : Tomat
Sebutir tomat dicuci bersih, dipotong menjadi 4 bagian lalu oleskan pada wajah. Biarkan sempai kering. Kemudian, wajah dicucu dengan air hangat.

Resep 6 : Jeruk nipis dan minyak kayu putih
Sebutir jeruk nipis dipotong, lalu diperas untuk diambil airnya. Campurkan air perasan jeruk nipis ini dengan 1 sdm minyak kayu putih, tambahkan sejumput kapur sirih, lalu aduk hingga merata. Gunakan ramuan ini sebagai bedak pada malam hari. Ramuan ini cocok untuk mencegah keriput pada wajah.

Resep 7 : Pisang ambon lumut, pisang emas
a) Pisang ini berkhasiat untuk memperhalus kulit. Oleh karena itu, makanlah pisah ini sesering mungkin. b) Gosokkan kulit pisang emas bagian dalam ke telapak tangan agar halus.

Resep 8 : Buah mengkudu
Untuk kulit bersisik, satu buah mengkudu matang diremas-remas, lalu digosokkan pada kulit yang bersisik. Diamkan selama 15 menit, kemudia cuci dengan air hangat.

Resep 9 : Buah alpukat
Daging buah alpukat juga bisa untuk menghaluskan kulit. Caranya, ambil buah alpukat secukupnya. Diblender, kemudia dibalurkan pada seluruh muka tangan. Sebaiknya sebelum dibalurkan, muka dan tangan dibersihkan dulu dengan air hangat. Gunakan sebelum mandi sore hari.

Resep 10 : BUah kentang
Untuk mengatasi kulit berminyak, gunakan dua buah kentang yang dihancurkan hingga lembut, lantas pakai sebagai bedak hingga merata selama 20 menit. Sesudah itu wajah dibersihkan dengan air bersih.

Resep 11 : Daun seledri
Kulit berminyak juga dapat diatasi dengan daun seledri. Caranya ambil daun seledri secukupnya, iris kecil-kecil lalu masukan ke dalam mangkok yang berisi air mendidih dan biarkan selama 20 menit. Simpan dalam lemari es. Gunakan pada malam hari untuk mengoles-oles kulit muka. Setelah kering dibersihkan.

Resep 12 : Buah apel
Untuk kulit kering bisa diredam dengan buah apel. Caranya, iris tipis-tipis buah apel. Lalu airnya digosokkan pada kulit muka dan biarkan sampai mengering, setelah itu bersihkan dengan air dingin.

Resep 13 : Buah mentimun
Buah mentimun dapat dipergunakan untuk menghaluskan kulit muka. Mentimun diiris-iris kemudian airnya dipergunakan untuk membasuh muka. Kulit muka akan menjadi segar.

Resep 14 : Kemuning
Daun kemuning segar 30gr dicuci, dulumatkan. Tambah 1 gelas air bersih sambil diaduk, lulurkan adonan pada kulit yang kasar.

Resep 15 : Tomat
Untuk haluskan wajah. Tomat merah tua diperas. Oleskan airnya kewajah setiap hari.

Resep 16 : Wortel
2-3 wortel dikupas, dicuci, diparut, diperas. Airnya oleskan kewaja agar halus. Atau, parutan langsung untuk masker.

Minuman Sehat

Jus sari bayam alpukat
Untuk memelihara kesehatan kulit. Bahan: 50gr daun bayam, 200gr alpukat, 400ml air, 1 sdm madu. Cara membuat: bayam direbus dengan 400mi air sampai sisa air kemudian diblender bersam sampai halus. Selanjutnya disaring tanpa diberi madu terlebih dahulu. Lantas masukan kedalam lemari es supaya dingin. Penggunaan: minum 3 kali seminggu sesudah makan.

Jus mentimun seledri
Berkhasiat menjaga kesehatan kulit. Bahan:200gr mentimun, 50gr seledri, 2 sdm madu, 2 sdm sari jeruk nipis, 100ml air dingin atau es. Cara membuat: semua bahan dimasukkan ke dalam juicer. Jus ini diminum 3 kali seminggu sesudah makan.
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